The James Bond Files ~
Peter Lorenz
In May 2023, on his radio program Flashback,
which aired online over the internet radio station KSAV,
Wesley Britton continued a “James Bond Avalanche”
to celebrate the 70 years of Agent 007. Featured were several
authors, actors, behind-the-scenes folks, and fans of the world
of James Bond.
The series continued on Monday, May 8, 2023, with an interview with
German art collector Peter Lorenz.
He dives into what you can find at his long-running Illustrated 007:
The Art of James Bond blog and how that archive grew from
international movie posters and designs to book covers to . . . well,
you’ll just have to tune in to hear about the visuals of the 007
universe from the beginning to now . . .
Also on the program was former comics editor Chris Ryall, who
discussed how he brought the Star Trek franchise to IDW
publishing. He shares how he helped shape an all-Klingon comic, brought
original Star Trek scriptwriter Dorothy Fontana to the world
of comics, and especially how he helped heal the decades long rift
between Paramount Pictures and sci-fi author Harlen Ellison when Chris
edited Harlen’s long-suppressed original version of “City
on the Edge of Forever.” Plus a few more nuggets Star
Trek fans will dig!
About Peter Lorenz ~
PETER LORENZ has been a long-time James Bond collector,
specialising in the books and artwork, from print ads to posters. He is
highly respected and followed through his brilliant blog, Illustrated
007: The Art of James Bond.
Links ~
Visit Peter Lorenz’s blog, which posted its final entry on
May 4, 2022 – Illustrated 007: The Art of James Bond.
Read an interview with Peter –
Interview with Bond Artist Peter Lorenz.